RGCC CTC (Circulating Tumor Cells) Analyses – Blood
The tumour is made up from several subgroups of cells (subpopulations) with different features. One of the subset actually drives the progress of the disease, the resistance to therapy and the relapse. This subset is called cancer stem cell-like cells or tumour initiating cells.
When a patient is treated and the cancer cells may be destroyed, then when the compatible diagnostic does not discover any signal, the cancer cells may consist of a population of 109 to 1012 cells. This limit defines the remission stage of a patient. At that stage only the cancer stem cells may survive and colonise into distant organs and generate metastases in time.
Common Conditions:
ONCOSTAT Test Code: 7001 – Measures the chemo-sensitivity / chemo-resistance assessment for cytotoxic drugs, monoclonal antibodies, small molecules that inhibitor specific targets (TKI etc).
ONCOSTAT PLUS Test Codes: 7003a, 7003b, 7003c
(Formerly TU Profile Plus) – Measures the chemo-sensitivity / chemo-resistance assessment for cytotoxic drugs, monoclonal antibodies, small molecules that inhibit specific targets (TKI etc) AND the assessment of natural substances and extracts for anticancer potency.
ONCOSTAT EXTRACTS Test Codes: 7002a, 7002b
(Former TU Profile Extracts) – Measures only the assessment of natural substances and plant extracts for anticancer potency.